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Writer's pictureTeresa Glick

Getting to the Root Cause:

The Holistic Disease Tree Model


When considering how to best explain Holistic Methods of supporting health (sometimes also called a "Functional Medicine approach"), the picture above, has helped me to give clients a better understanding of the differences between the conventional medical model and the holistic model. There are similar diagrams/pictures in the functional medicine world, but this picture, designed by herbalist, Steven Horne has been the most basic and easiest to use to demonstrate with clients.

Because many new clients approach health care as simply dealing with symptom relief, (as shown in the twigs and leaves in the above picture...PMS, Low Thyroid, etc), this article is intended to very briefly explain the various aspects of this model of a "Disease Tree", and to give a short overview of how I approach each. During actual consultations, these aspects are elaborated upon as needed.


1) The Soil= The Individual Constitution

Our constitution is the very core aspect of who we are, just as the condition of the soil is foundational to any healthy tree or plant. Genetics can certainly play a role in our constitution, as can early, formative childhood experiences. In my practice, I seek to find any link to a genetic predispostion for my clients through detailed family health-history intake forms, as well as genomics testing or the Multi-Symptom Questionaire through PureInsight by PureGenomics. Iridology can also be a wonderful tool for determining weaknesses in the "soil " of an individual. Once any genetic predisposition is determined, I include that information in the overall lifestyle, dietary, supplement recommendations and health plan for each client.


2) The Roots = Various Stresses

Stresses can include Mental and Emotional stresses; Nutritional deficiencies; Toxic Overload; and Physical Trauma. The initial consultation with me will explore if any of these stresses are applicable in the individual client. Homeopathy and Bach flower remedies can be excellent support for emotional and mental stresses, for example. Nutritional deficiencies can be determined via various assessment techiques, as can toxic overload. Detoxification protocols can be used if needed, such as those found with a brand that I have an account with, called DesBio.


3) The Tree Trunk= Biological Terrain

In this model, the tree trunk represents the bodily fluids, such as lymph fluid and the blood. Various assessment techniques, especially those found in Traditional Chinese Medicine can help to both determine imbalances as well as the remedies/herbs to help to improve the imbalance. Exercise is an important component of moving lymph fluid, and various herbs act as blood detoxifiers. This aspect is included in the overall health plan that I make for clients.

4 & 5) Branches=Body Systems:

Twigs/Leaves= Specific Disease Symptoms

I have combined the branches (body systems) of the tree with the twigs/leaves (disease symptoms) since they are closely intertwined on a tree, as well as within our bodies.

When our various body systems ( such as our circulatory system or our reproductive system, etc) are not functioning correctly, we end up symptoms of disease, such as high blood pressure or PMS or thyroid complaints. We can easily assess this aspect of the "disease tree" through client intake forms, lab work, muscle response testing, etc, and can utilize homeopathy, herbal medicine, lifestyle changes, etc as part of the overall health plan to help to restore homeostasis to the individual.

As can be seen in the disease tree picture at the top of the page, the "twigs and leaves" (disease symptoms) are the often primary focus of conventional medical treatment, as well as in some alternative or integrative medical models. Symptom relief is clearly important for suffering individuals, however, the ultimate goal of a holistic practitioner is to address the root cause of the symptoms.

Because the goal of the true, Holistic Health model is to strenghten the constitution (soil), as well the roots (various stresses) of the individual, true health and long-lasting symptomatic relief for the "Whole Person" is ultimately possible.

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